Statistics "NATEXPO 2008"

Total: |
10991 |
Visitors - 80 % |
8777 |
Participants - 19 % |
2126 |
Press - 1 % |
76 |
Staff |
12 |
Visitors statistics "NATEXPO 2008"

Russian representatives - 95 % |
8380 |
Foreign representatives - 5 % |
397 |
Azerbaijan |
2 |
Belarus |
12 |
Belgium |
4 |
Canada |
2 |
China |
5 |
Ecuador |
1 |
Egupt |
2 |
Estonia |
1 |
Finland |
1 |
France |
5 |
Germany |
28 |
Greece |
1 |
India |
1 |
Israel |
7 |
Italy |
14 |
Japan |
5 |
Kazakhstan |
14 |
Korea |
3 |
Latvia |
4 |
Moldova |
3 |
Nigeria |
1 |
Norway |
2 |
Slovenia |
1 |
Sweden |
1 |
Switzerland |
3 |
Syria |
1 |
The Nederlands |
3 |
UK |
164 |
Ukraine |
87 |
9 |
Uzbekistan |
10 |
Statistics stands and companies "NATEXPO 2008"

Total: |
Quantity of stands |
144 |
Quantity of companies |
190 |
Participants of 2007 - 82% |
210 |
New participants - 18% |
45 |
Hall ¹ 3 |
Quantity of stands |
85 |
Hall ¹ 2 |
Quantity of stands |
59 |
Press statistics "NATEXPO 2008"

Russian representatives - 97 % |
74 |
Foreign representatives - 3 % |
2 |
Statistics of companies participants "NATEXPO 2008"

Russian participants - 70 % |
1480 |
Foreign participants - 30 % |
646 |
Countries: |
Austria |
Belarus |
Belgium |
Bulgaria |
Canada |
Czech Republic |
Finland |
France |
Germany |
India |
Israel |
Italy |
Japan |
Lithuania |
Roumania |
Slovakia |
Slovenia |
Spain |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
The Netherlands |
Turkey |
Ukraine |
UK |

November 16 |
10.00 - 18.00 |
November 17 |
10.00 - 18.00 |
November 18 |
10.00 - 16.00 |

VDNH, Estate 119, Prospect Mira, Moscow,
pavilion 57,
VDNH map
Our office Neglinnaya str. 15, Moscow, RF, 127051
Mailing address 49 off., 15, Neglinnaya str., bld. 1, Moscow, 127051, Russia.
Tel.: +7 495 651 08 34
Fax: +7 495 651 08 35
E-mail: info@natexpo.ru